The “face” or front plane of my turbine is located in the YZ plane. Conversely, when my turbine drifts away out of the range of the wind field, I assume it is considered exhausted. When I looked at the visualisation of the 112s simulation in OrcaFlex, I noticed that my model proceeds to drift in the x-direction up to 29.8m and at roughly 30m away from the origin it appears to be literally yanked back to the origin instantly, which I assume gives the supersonic error for the blades. The problem is that my simulation crashes 112s after the start giving either: a supersonic blade error or that my wind field has been exhausted. The displacement of the vessel in the x-direction is much larger now than it used to be (understandably so). My forces are uni-directional in the x-direction. Now I have added Current to the model as well. Using the OC3 Hywind model as an example I created my own model of the floater and I successfully performed the analysis when I only had Wind and Waves acting on the vessel. I have an interesting question relating to coupled analysis in OrcaFlex with respect to the vessel lateral degree of freedom.